Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mom's outta here!

My sister, Tina and I flew to Virginia for a weekend to see my beautiful cousin Erin get married! The wedding was gorgeous, God gave them perfect weather and we had a great time seeing relatives we hadn't seen in ages. I'm so thrilled that I was able to go. We hitched a ride with our cousin Julie and her son, Che to New York City and "had to" stay in NYC for a day. Tina took me to Serendipity (from our favorite movie) where we had dessert after eating some New York Pizza, then I took her to Ground Zero because she had never been. We were able to see my cousin Julie's work place which is an amazing building in itself right downtown and the pictures from the 39th floor were amazing. You could see everything from there! We were lucky enough to get on a flight standby and Tina's friend, Russ "worked his magic" as a jet blue pilot and was able to get us seats together in the exit row (even more leg room!!). Great weekend! Thanks Tina (& Russ) for making it all happen!

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