Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We are so NOT a serious family!

With the economy so depressing, and life hectic and stressful at times---sometimes you just have to be SILLY! At our house, that's probably a little too often---but you're only a kid once, and even when you're older you can still act like a kid. So, giggle! hula your hoop! do the hokey pokey! look at your face cross eyed! walk like an egyptian! when was the last time you did a somersault? eat ice cream for breakfast! ----then you can cry over your 401K. There will be plenty of time to do that. Hope these pictures make you smile!

1 comment:

Tina said...

That is so funny!! I actually had a hula hoop flopping around my waist, while I ate ice cream for breakfast and was crying over my retirement while looking at your blog. Your kids are so fun and I hope they never outgrow their craziness. We should all let our freak flag fly!!