Something about snow falling---it brings out the little kid in me! I just jump up and down and clap my hands together and I seem more excited than my 5 yr. old. I just love to watch it fall. It's so quiet. So peaceful. It's like being in a snowglobe. It's like the soft powdered sugar that I sprinkle on my brownies after they cool.
My kids see it differently. The girls see it as one more day to get their homework done if it's an officiall snow day and they get to stay home. My husband sees it as a new clean canvas to drive his 4 wheeler on and make cookies. My son sees it as a snowman waiting to be built, and is begging for me to get the sleds out of the garage. I think no matter what the reason--snow is fantastic! As rain it's clear,drops down and splats and you can hear it. As snow it's white, dances down and silently joins it's friends to make a white blanket and as an added touch it sparkles like glitter in the moonlight. I mean, was God thinking when He made snow or what?!
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